A Blogger.com blog, by default, has two items
at the top of every blog: an address bar and a
header, or title, of the blog. Removing these
bars can give your blog a look that stands out
from the crowd. You cannot remove either of
these bars using the basic Blogger design
editor, but if you access the underlying HTML
code, you can manipulate almost anything on
the page. Removing the address bar is a simple
process of just adding some code. Removing
the page's header is a little tricky, as Blogger
will try to put the header back if you remove
Visit the Blogger website to access your
blog dashboard. Click the "Design"
button next to the blog that you want to
Click "Edit HTML" from the options at
the top of the design page. This will
bring up a large text box that is filled
with the HTML code for your blog.
Scroll down a few lines in the text box
until you see the "/* Variable
definitions" entry. Click on the empty
line just above this and enter the
following code:
#navbar-iframe {display: none !
This code will remove the navigation bar
from the top of your blog. Click the
"Save Template" button at the bottom of
the screen to save your changes.
Press "Ctrl" and "F" to bring up a search
box in your browser. Type "widget
id='header1" (without quotes) into the
search box and press "Enter." The code
in the text box will jump to the
requested line in the code.
Look at the line of code directly above
the one you just found for the
"maxwidgets" entry. Change the "1"
next to "maxwidgets" to a "2." Click
"Save Template" to save your changes.
Click the "Page Elements" option at the
top of the screen to bring up the design
elements of your blog. Click the "Add a
Gadget" option located directly above
your header bar. Click the "+" next to
"Follow by Email" in the window that
appears and click "Save" in the
confirmation window. Click "Edit HTML"
at the top of the screen to go back to
your HTML editor.
Search for "widget id='header" again
and erase the entire line that includes
this piece of code. The line will start
with "<b:widget" and end with
"type='header'/>." Remove the line
directly above this one as well. The
second line starts with "<b:widget" and
ends with "type='FollowByEmail'/>." By
adding the extra widget to the top of
the page and then removing it, Blogger
will no longer replace the header bar
widget when you delete it.
Click "Save Template" just below the
text box to save your changes. A
warning box will appear at the top of
the page, asking you whether you are
sure that you want to remove the
header widget. Click "Delete Widgets" to
continue. Click "View Blog" at the top of
the screen to see your blog without the
navigation and header bars.
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