Now I know there is no time to wait for the official lunch of bbm for ginger bread 2.3 android os as some smart guys had already unleashes the stuff. Just follow the below procedures if you are using Android OSversion 2.3 to get bbm installed on your device. After download, if you notice any issue with it just drop your comment let’s fix it together or your bbm generally is still malfunctioning, drop the problem lets help you fix it. Before you download, make sure you have titanium backup on your device so that your installation can be much easier and faster. Download these files; ==> File1 and File2 ==>Install bbmgbarmv6.apk but don’t lunch it ==>Extract the both downloaded files inside titanium folder ==> Open titanium backup and restore BBM Data only 6. ==>You can then open your bbm and begin to add your friends included